Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a program that trains the laity for spiritual support of other lay persons who are struggling with personal or spiritual situations. 

♦ Receiving care from a Stephen Minister

Would you like someone in your life you could talk to about anything? Do you have concerns that are bothering you such as spiritual doubts, loneliness or you are discouraged, grieving or have other needs that you would like to confidentially discuss? If so, please contact the front desk (928) 342-6002 for a confidential referral. Care receivers can be referred by church staff, members of the congregation or may be self-referred.

♦ Becoming a Stephen Minister

Stephen Ministers complete 50 hours of primary training, as well as continuing education to prepare them to be a spiritual presence to their assigned care receivers. Qualities of a Stephen Minister include being: a spiritual person, a caring individual, having good listening skills, reliable and trustworthy, are free to share their faith and are willing to trust God with healing. 

Stephen Ministers are assigned to a particular care receiver based on experience and personality. This one-to-one relationship pairs men with men and women with women. They meet with their care receiver by appointment once per week for as long as needed. In times of crisis, they are available for telephone contact. The principle of total confidentiality is practiced (even with spouses, pastors and Stephen Leaders). Stephen Ministers attend peer group supervision twice a month where they discuss their experiences, keeping specific information totally confidential. During these meetings, each Stephen Minister receives support and guidance from trained leaders and other Stephen Ministers. Additional support may be received from our Pastoral Advisor, Pastor Bill Timm.

Potential Stephen Ministers are considered by come from self-referral, from staff recommendation, or from other churches. However, each candidate must fill out an application and a background check, and be interviewed by at least two Stephen Leaders. After completing the training, they will be commissioned by the congregation to serve in this capacity. A part of Stephen Ministry training is to be able to identify when a care receiver may need professional care. At that time, possible referrals would be handled by the Stephen Leaders and Pastors after discussing this with the possible care receiver.

Stephen Leaders are individuals who have usually first been Stephen Ministers. They have attended an intensive one week training conference to prepare them to lead the Stephen Ministry program. Stephen Leaders assume responsibility for various phases of the program including recruitment of future Stephen Ministers, assignment of care receivers, continuing education and training.



Saturday:  4:00 pm

Sunday:   8:30 & 10:15 am

Live Stream  at 4:00 pm & 10:15 am 



Office Hours:

Monday- Friday

8:00 am - 4:00 pm


If you need anything after these times, please call 928-342-6002, and leave a message and we will return your call.  Thank you