
We offer a wonderful opportunity for fellowship/worship in our Christ Care Groups. Roy Cavanaugh and Carolyn Thorene are our Equippers.

Kay Lee Grunst is our Bells of Glory Director

Shirley Ehler is our Choir Director

Activities: We have our quilting group, the Glorious Quilters, and there are several opportunities to play cards.  Check the weekly calendar for dates and times. 

Bible Study: There are 3 different times and options available for bible study.  

Support groups: We have GriefShare, Meditation, and CareGiver support groups that meet regularly.  Please check the calendar or call the office for more information. 

We also have several TOPS groups and a Women's  AA group that meet here. Just check the calendar for dates and times.

Bells of Glory

Church Choir

WELCA Retreat

WELCA is the acronym for Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. WELCA is a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, committed to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.

Meeting days and times are listed in the church calendar.

Bell Choir 

Stephen Ministries

STEPHEN MINISTRY: Stephen Ministers are regular lay people who have been given over 50 hours of training in Christian care-giving before being commissioned as Stephen Ministers. Stephen Ministers are people with a compassionate heart who are gifted in listening, encouraging, and offering emotional and spiritual support to anyone in the community who is in need. These are confidential caring relationships.

Stephen Ministers meet monthly.


Bible Study Groups

Glorious Quilters


Chancel Chimes

New Member Classes



Men's Breakfast is a ministry that takes on the challenges that men of faith deal with on a daily basis. Meeting the first Saturday of every month, members have breakfast, and share their faith! All men from the church are encouraged to join us as we endeavor to learn more about each other, learn from each other, and share in a brief Bible study and prayer..

Meetings start at 8am at DayBreakers, Please call Pastor Timm if you are interested. 928-210-1771. You can also email Pastor at



Saturday:  4:00 pm

Sunday:   8:30 & 10:15 am

Live Stream  at 4:00 pm & 10:15 am 



Office Hours:

Monday- Friday

8:00 am - 4:00 pm


If you need anything after these times, please call 928-342-6002, and leave a message and we will return your call.  Thank you