Request a Pastoral Visit

Do you need to arrange for a visit to your home, your loved one's home, a sick or injured loved one in the hospital or nursing home or other care facility? You can arrange for a visit, a blessing, confession, anointing or other pastoral care here. Please fill out the form at the link below and we will call to arrange the visit. Also, be sure to add a special prayer request for yourself or your loved one as well.

Please use the "Comments" box to share the details of your request for the visit.
Please also share any information you think we should know.

Click Here for the Contact Form



Saturday:  4:00 pm

Sunday:   8:30 & 10:15 am

Live Stream  at 4:00 pm & 10:15 am 



Office Hours:

Monday- Friday

8:00 am - 4:00 pm


If you need anything after these times, please call 928-342-6002, and leave a message and we will return your call.  Thank you