William Timm – Pastor
Kate Harwood – Administrative
Shirley Ehler – Minister of Worship,
Organist & Choir Director
Brennen Harwood- A/V Technician
Pianists: Jean Abel, Sue Bridie, Marie Ritten
Bells of Glory Director: Kay Lee Grunst
Stephen Ministry Leaders: Michelle Cegon, Pastor Timm, Jim & Sherrie Wehrer
GriefShare Group Leaders: Ted & Nikki Duffy, Mary Marsh.
Sharon Merz, President
John Arnold, Vice President
Kathy Edwards, Secretary
Munk Bookkeeping Services, Treasurer
Education- Diane Lee
Fellowship- Cheryl Preul
Outreach- Joe Johnson
Property- Dave Donaldson
Social Concerns- Evelyn Trone
Stewardship- Gary Raasch
Worship & Music- Char Schomisch
Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 7:45 & 9:30 am
Live Stream at 9:30 am
Monday- Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
If you need anything after these times, please call 928-342-6002, and leave a message and we will return your call. Thank you